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- 7 Steps to Becoming an SEO Expert 📈
Get found on Google with these SEO tips.
- What is SEO?
Ready to get found on Google? More site visitors means more opportunities to make sales and grow your community. There are good and bad ways to make this happen. “White Hat SEO” tries to get real people to visit a site, while “Black Hat SEO” finds loopholes to trick search engines into ranking the site higher. We’ll focus on White Hat SEO, since this gets you more long-term results. Before exploring specific SEO tips, ask yourself these questions: Who do you want to find your site? What are they looking for? How can you give them what they need?
- 📱 Final Tips
SEO offers no guarantees, but you can set yourself up for success. Ready to make more changes? Here are some next steps: Make your site mobile-friendly. More and more people are accessing sites from their phones instead of a laptop or desktop computer. Work on the accessibility of your site. Manage content and tags so that everyone can access it in a way that works for them. Remove content or media that slows down the loading time of your site. Is your website created with Wix? You’re in luck! Check out the SEO Wiz ( for even more ways to optimize your site.
- Wrapping Up
Tips to keep in mind moving forward
- The Purpose of Meditation
The purpose of meditation is to transform our thoughts and awaken our mind to our inner world and the external world around us. As we practice meditation, our way of seeing ourselves, our minds and bodies, alters through a process of becoming increasingly sensitive and aware. When our minds have access to calmness and clarity, our ability to perceive ourselves becomes more intuitive and direct, and we begin to understand ourselves with greater depth and compassion. Meditation is an art of simplicity. When we are able to focus on calming the mind and our thoughts, we can free ourselves from anger, confusion, self-pity, habitual reactions, and tension (to name a few things). When we learn the skills to help us, each as individuals, become calm and discover a way to be at peace with ourselves, that is when our personal transformation occurs. The more you practice mindfulness and meditation, the more you will notice increasing skillfulness, wisdom, and care for yourself and others. Meditation introduces us to the life of our mind, body and spirit. Meditation is learning how to observe your thoughts without judgment and learning how to better understand them. Meditation is a skill and an experience. Our individual meditation practices rely on our personal exploration and experiences. It helps us learn how we see the world around us and the way the world affects us. By allowing yourself to be in the present moment through your meditation practice, you can slow down your racing thoughts and anxieties and deal with stress. As you continue your practice, you may find you feel more connected to yourself and those around you. I hope you’re excited to start on this journey of transformation.
- Methods to Quiet the Mind
One of the biggest obstacles during meditation is the constant battle against your wandering mind. It is more common than you think to have thoughts constantly racing through our heads; that never ending to do list, the argument you had with a friend or loved one, the presentation you have to give. My friends don’t let this frustrate you. Today we will focus on some ways to quiet the mind and stay connected to our breath. A quiet mind is a relaxed mind, a mind that is no longer defined by rules, beliefs or fear. It is a mind that is here in this present moment. Quieting your mind is not an easy task, so please do not beat yourself up if you find this difficult. Even those who have been meditating for decades still have days when their minds are restless. The key is to NOT give up, keep practicing, and have faith that meditation is transforming your consciousness, little by little, each and every day. We invite you to try these 5 methods to quiet the mind and stay connected with your breath.
- Turn your focus to your breathing
Begin by noticing your breath, do not change or manipulate it. Notice if your breath is short and shallow or quick and sharp. When you have a good observation of your breath, then start to even out your inhales and exhales. You can inhale through the nose and exhale out the mouth or inhale through the nose and exhale through the nose. If a thought comes in, simply say thank you and return to your breathing. Your mind should begin to quiet. If thoughts continue to bombard you, you can turn your attention to saying “inhale” silently in your mind on each in breath, and “exhale” on each out breath. You could also visualize a cloudy sky and send those thoughts on a cloud to gently passing by, letting them know you will acknowledge them later. Try not to get frustrated if you end up down the rabbit hole of thoughts and loose focus of your breath, simply reset yourself and start again!
- Your Body, Your Mind & Your Spirit
Remember that energy is constantly changing from one moment to the next; this is why our day-to-day lives can be drastically different than they were a day, a week or a year ago. Everyday we are exposed to a multitude of different energies. These energies can stem from the people we interact with, to the events and circumstances we are presented with, to the emotional and mental states that we experience. More often than not, when we experience a challenging, emotional, or traumatizing event, we can hold onto that energy in our body and focus tightly on it, and we may not even realize it. We often hold stress and emotions in areas of our hips and midsection, lower back, shoulders, neck and jaw. To help us live a happy and vibrant life, we must acknowledge that energy maintenance is required on all levels - physical, emotional/mental, and spiritual. If we hold on to that energy, over time, it can sit heavily in our bodies and even manifest into physical dis-ease, ailment or illness. It’s so important for us to surface, heal and let go of these energies on a daily basis. Here are some tips and tricks to help us connect our mind and body with our breath and live and happy and vibrant life.
- For Your Mind
Tune into your meditation practice. Focus on your breath. Focus on what your key priorities are in life and release what doesn’t light you up right in this moment. Be honest with yourself about what you will and will not do right now. If you are holding onto negative thoughts or emotions, acknowledge them and let them go.
- Alternate Nostril Breathing
With this breath we will inhale and exhale from opposite nostrils. Remember to breathe slowly; one round should take about 30 seconds. Sit upright with a straight spine. Bring the right hand up to the nose. Place the right thumb over the right nostril and the ring finger over the left nostril. The index finger and middle finger can rest on the forehead. Close the right nostril with the right thumb to block the airflow, lift the ring finger from the left nostril. Inhale slowly through the left nostril. Close the left nostril with the ring finger so both nostrils are closed for a moment, and hold the breath. Then open the right nostril and exhale slowly then inhale again through the right. Close the right nostril and hold the breath. Open the left and exhale. Repeat for 6-8 breaths. This breathing technique calms the mind, energizes the body, and improves concentration.
- The Spirit Guides
Today, we will take a journey to meet our spirit guides. What is a spirit guide you may ask? You can think of them as a nonphysical presence assigned to help our soul attain its greatest potential on Earth. Spirit guides are of the highest truth and compassion working on our behalf to guide our thoughts and energy back into alignment with the love of the Universe. When you cultivate a relationship with your spirit guides, they will give you wise and loving guidance to help you in every area of your life. You can even think of them as that little voice inside of your head, the one most of us choose not to listen to. In this exercise, we will meet our spirit guides through a guided meditation. Don’t worry if you don’t meet them the first time you try this meditation. Remember, meditation is a practice and with practice, you will find yourself getting better at calming the mind and tuning into the breath. We encourage you to listen to this mediation more than once. You will learn something new about yourself and your spirit guides each time.
- Crystals
Cultures around the world have used crystals in healing and meditation practices for thousands of years. While meditation does not require anything but YOU and your commitment, tools such as crystals add an element of inner exploration that you may find quite rewarding and fun! After you purchase a crystal, or maybe it’s been a while since you have used your crystals, you want to clear them of any energy it may have picked up. You can do this by burning some sage or Palo Santo around it. You can also bathe it in moonlight on a full moon or saltwater overnight (just make sure it won’t dissolve if you use water). When you are ready to use the crystal, hold it in your hand and notice the energy it emits. If something feels “off” you may need to clear it again. If you feel content, or maybe even some heat building in your hand, it is ready to go! During your meditation practice, you can hold the crystal in your palm, place it on a part of your body while lying face up (maybe in alignment with a chakra) or place it near you on the ground. Visualize your goals or intentions for using the crystal and allow it to do its work. When you are finished, thank it for working with you and cleanse it again. Below we have listed some of our favorite crystals. -Selenite: Helps clear the mind, dispels negative energy and protects your energy field. Connects with the crown chakra. -Azurite: Allows inner travel and enhanced psychic experiences. Connects with the Third eye chakra. -Labradorite: Raises awareness, insight and truth, stimulates inner awareness. Connects with the Throat chakra. -Rose Quartz: Resonates higher frequency, promotes self-love and awareness. It emits is a strong vibration of unconditional love, joy, warmth and emotional healing. It can lower stress, bring happiness and soothe the soul. Connects with the Heart Chakra. -Rhyolite: Encourages you to move forward, so you do not remain anchored in the present and hold on to things and experiences that belong in the past. Rhyolite promotes self-esteem and acceptance of your true self. Connects with the Solar Plexus chakra. - Carnelian: This stone is grounding, activating and vitalizing. Carnelian works by uplifting, motivating and giving one confidence. It protects against negative emotions of other people such as jealousy and anger. Connects with the Sacral Chakra. -Black Tourmaline: Absorbs negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. It can absorb negative energy and transforms it into positive energy. Connects to the Root chakra.
- Day 7: Introduction to the chakras
Today we will close the eyes and tune inside our bodies to harness the power and energy of our chakras.
- Day 10: Putting It All Together
We hope you have had a wonderful journey my friends, you should feel so proud you took this trip, and of all you accomplished along the way. In our final day, we will be putting all of the tools together with a 20-minute meditation. So grab your necessitates, come to a quiet, comfortable seat, and close your eyes.
- Sugar Reset to trim your waistline 🚫🍫
Want to feel better, have more energy and trim down your waistline at the same time? Removing refined and added sugar from your diet is for you! There’s no need to count calories or ever be hungry. Instead focus on naturally filling and nourishing foods. Get the encouragement you need to give up your sweet tooth, plus some ideas for healthy alternatives.
- 👀 Daily Accountability
Did you stay away from sugar today? If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Don’t worry if you didn’t. Make a fresh start tomorrow!
- 🍳 Cook a Meal
If you always eat on the go with delivery or at restaurants, it’s hard to find healthy options. The easiest way to eat healthy is to eat at home. You don’t need to make anything super fancy or eat at home every single meal. Instead, try to make it a habit to cook at home a bit more often.
- 🥗 Just the Start
Eating healthy is a life-long commitment. If you slip up, that’s ok. Start fresh the next time. It happens from time to time to all of us. Take some time to enjoy the benefits of a sugar free lifestyle. You’ve lowered your risk for many serious diseases, will have likely lost some weight and should have a lot more energy.
- 👀 Daily Accountability
Did you stay away from sugar today? If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Don’t worry if you didn’t. Make a fresh start tomorrow!
- 👀 Daily Accountability
Did you stay away from sugar today? If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Don’t worry if you didn’t. Make a fresh start tomorrow!
- 👀 Daily Accountability
Did you stay away from sugar today? If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Don’t worry if you didn’t. Make a fresh start tomorrow!
- 👀 Daily Accountability
Did you stay away from sugar today? If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Don’t worry if you didn’t. Make a fresh start tomorrow!
- 👀 Daily Accountability
Did you stay away from sugar today? If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Don’t worry if you didn’t. Make a fresh start tomorrow!
- 👀 Daily Accountability
Did you stay away from sugar today? If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Don’t worry if you didn’t. Make a fresh start tomorrow!
- 👀 Daily Accountability
Did you stay away from sugar today? If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Don’t worry if you didn’t. Make a fresh start tomorrow!
- 👀 Daily Accountability
Did you stay away from sugar today? If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Don’t worry if you didn’t. Make a fresh start tomorrow!
- 👀 Daily Accountability
Did you stay away from sugar today? If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Don’t worry if you didn’t. Make a fresh start tomorrow!
- 👀 Daily Accountability
Did you stay away from sugar today? If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Don’t worry if you didn’t. Make a fresh start tomorrow!
- 🗝️ Keyword Research
Keywords are the phrases people type into search bars. Let’s say you need to buy a bookshelf. Your Google search may look something like these: Bookshelves Bookshelves for sale Bookshelves near me Buy bookshelves online Bookshelves with drawers Of course, what you search for depends on what you need. If a keyword is broad or simple (for example, “bookshelves”), it probably gets searched a lot. To start your research: Brainstorm both broad and specific keywords that could be relevant to your site. Find a keyword research tool, like Google Analytics, and see how many times each of your keywords was searched in the last year. Put the keywords into Google’s search bar and see which of your competitors rank high in the results. It can be hard to rank high on popular keywords, so use keywords that fit your website.